Kiss your veggies

One of the trickiest parts of feeding kids, as you all know, are the picky eaters! There are so many different ideas in the child development and psychology world as to how we might get our kids to eat more variety of foods, with new and different flavors and textures. At a Louisiana Pathways class I took last month for early childhood educators, the instructor even suggested encouraging kids to kiss those scary foods they don’t want to eat! It seems to me like a sort of strange strategy, but whatever works! I’d love to hear parents’ stories for what you do at home, and next month I’ll post my findings.

1 thought on “Kiss your veggies

  1. roxane

    We still mash the veggies…but I will try the kiss 🙂 We just found refillable pouches on and we are getting ready to have her snack on home made pouches.

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